My Life: An Archaeological Dig

As Tom will tell you with minimal, if any, provocation, I have a wee obsession. It involves my indomitable Fujitsu Scansnap 5100M and my firetrap basement.

Today, I am scanning old datebooks. Which I save. I have filed them with my tax returns since 1992, the year I came down with the notion that if I ever got audited I would be able to compute mileage based on my meeting schedule and thus justify auto deductions.

While I was scanning my fifteen years bustle of undertakings, I had a shocking revelation. I barely remember my life.

But riddle me this, children: Do you remember yours?

For example, what were you doing in 1996?

My datebook is newfangled electronic these days. Maybe I should print it to PDF for archival purposes. Or start to Twitter. Just to lock in the details so I'll have some fact-based events to reminisce about.


...and you laugh at me for keeping a running log, which I might add contains additional details of my life.