Well... that was awkward.

Coming home the other day, I ran into our neighbor Marilyn outside on the sidewalk. Her sad, matted little dog slumped over in one of those dog strollers while Marilyn chatted with a young woman I had never seen before.

"This is my niece Dara. She's visiting from Virginia," said Marilyn.

I said nice to meet you or something. Then we all stood there uncomfortably, like you do when you run into someone on the sidewalk but can't think of anything to talk about.

"She's 17 and completely arthritic," interjected Marilyn. "She can barely walk."

My eyebrows probably disappeared into my hairline. I looked at Dara the niece. "My goodness," I said. "That must be a challenge."

"She's talking about the dog," said Dara.
