Deep thoughts about why i want a sauna. Or not.
I covet a sauna. I like a sauna all right. I like the rocks and the earthy smell of your hair smoldering. But then, a couple days ago, I read about the fantastic health benefits of sauna-ing. I began to covet a sauna. Our friend Guy has a sauna in his basement. His very own sauna. It is electric powered, but an all-wood and glass real-deal. It kind of looks like a small woodland-style enclosed porch. When Guy's daughter was little, she had a playhouse (aka the box their new washing machine came in) positioned right next to the sauna. It was like father-daughter tiny neighborhood. Seriously, I wanted in. But the YMCA has a sauna. Any day of the week, I can go over to the YMCA and sit in the sauna. So I did. I was sitting in the sauna, not staring at my phone. Phones fry in saunas. As do Apple Watches. I stared at the wall thinking deep thoughts. This whole sitting-in-the-sauna-at-the-YMCA experience was pretty much exactly the same experi...