It's a professional courtesy: Notes from the Atlantic City Half Iron Triathalon
Atlantic City Ironman - map of the run part of the operation Andy and I look at our watches and wait for Tom, and then Stacie. We stand at the rope separating we spectators from the triathletes running by. At this point in the race, the Ironman competitors already swam 1.2 miles, rode their bikes almost 57 miles and were about half done with a 13.1 mile run. It's hot in the sun. Most of the runners look some greyish shade of completely beat. Andy gives me this weird look when all of a sudden I break out a really spirited whoop and shout, "Go David!" He wants to know what just happened there and how I knew the random Ironman dude's name was David. I say I just interviewed David for the podcast like last month. I knew exactly who he was because he had his company name emblazoned across his shirt and he looks exactly like his headshot. I tell Andy I sent David a LinkedIn invite and he never accepted it. Andy says, "Instead of cheering, you should have ...