Free Day at the Leonard Cohen Exhibit
It’s always a dilemma of epic proportions: whether to go to Free Day at a museum or to pay to get in some other day. On the one hand, *Free Day,* emphasis on the Free. On the other hand, when you go to Free Day, you’re packed in the museum with the kind of people who go to non-profit institutions on the day they don’t have to pay. We went to see the Leonard Cohen exhibit at the Jewish Museum on Free Day. It was the only day we could go. I don't know where the summer went, but Leonard will be headed out next week or something so the clock was ticking to get our asses up there. Leonard Cohen at the Jewish Museum, UES The exhibit was more like a video installation than an exhibit in the way you'd probably picture an exhibit. The rooms were dark. Beanbags and benches took up most of the floor space. And the place was jammed. Like Free Day jammed. Like the standing room only in the back spilled out into the hallway. In the middle of one of the video...