Back at the Met!
The Metropolitan Museum of Art started allowing visitors again a couple weeks ago. I decided to wait a few days to visit. I wanted to allow ample time for them to get their shit straightened out. By the time we got there, it was all good in the 'hood. I was impressed. The whole checkpoint charlie took 2 minutes. It may have actually been faster than pre-COVID because there were so few people around with the zero tourist situation and the timed tickets and all. Tom and I ended up dawdling by the naked Greek sculptures waiting for Bente and Charlie to turn up. We were way early because we'd planned for a far more elaborate on-arrival time suck. The tea pots were so cute. Plus the "shopkins" from the 17th century. I loved them when I saw them in March in the new British galleries and yup, they're still there, right where I'd last seen 'em! Getting up on the roof involved a line longer than the line to get in the joint to begin with. But the site-specific in...