
Showing posts from January, 2021

Moonstruck during Lockdown - A Review

 Everybody was saying to watch Moonstruck. They were saying it's the perfect spaghetti romcom for global pandemics. I mean, there are articles on this topic with a lot of custom web design. They call for Cher to get an Oscar for her role in this film for chrissakes. Cher was 41 when this movie was filmed in 1987. So, ok. We rented it. And when I say "rented it" I mean that due to it's trending status, we paid $4.99. So the movie starts out with boring Cher The Accountant getting proposed to by boring Danny Aiello whose hair is really itchy.  Then like a thunderbolt, comes the scene where Cher, in a fit of moxie, meets young Nicholas Cage. Except you don't know it's Nicholas Cage yet because his back is to the camera. He's sweaty and manhandling an underground bread oven fire pit. Flames shoot everywhere. These flames, like all flames, represent light and darkness, the uncertainty of life and its delicacy. It also represents Nicholas Cage's penis. When ...

Blacksmiths have the best phone charging stands.

  Mike drop. What more can I say?

Things to do on a Saturday in Chelsea in the middle of a pandemic

 Bruce wanted to go see this exhibit at the Whitney:  So we decided to go on Saturday afternoon. We went alone because nobody else wants to hear us cackle about extremely arcane healthcare policy goings-on that we think are hilarious. Or egregious. Either way there's a lot of acronyms and snorting.  I met Bruce in the Paper Source on 14th because it was too cold to wait for him out by the subway. While in the store, I purchased a handy contraption to open up doors without touching them. It looks like this: An amazing thing: My God geniuses do exist in this world. With this beauty, you can grab a door handle, poke an elevator button, open a can AND sign your name on the credit card machine, ALL WITHOUT TOUCHING ANYTHING. I was completely in awe and opened up every single door for Bruce the entire afternoon. He appreciated my chivalry, but I mainly was looking to amortize my purchase. We both really liked this photo: by Anthony Barboza It's a shot b...