On the Ocassion of the 20th anniversary of 9/11: This is My Memory
Midtown East Heretofore, I haven't really documented my personal 9/11 experience. Which also includes my 9/13 experience. I haven't done so mainly because in the grand scheme of things, it's pretty damn insubstantial. This said, in the past few weeks I've been in more than one conversation where we all shared our 9/11 memories and despite the fact that mine is, as stated previously, of little relative consequence, it was harrowing at the time and mostly about an incident that isn't discussed much. But before I launch into my little tale that's all about me, let me briefly review Tom's day. On the morning of 9/11, Tom was in Newark airport boarding a flight to Chicago. He was with his boss headed to a business meeting. The gate he left from was literally right next to the gate the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania departed from. When Tom and his boss's plane touched down in Chicago, they walked into O'Hare and were confronted with TVs everywhere b...