The Lead up to Pop's Surprise Birthday Party
A birthday cake that barely fit in the back of my brother's car Was Pop surprised? He says not really. He says there were clues. First, my Aunt Edith texted my mom a question about the party. You might be wondering, rightly so, why texting my mom would result in pop learning about his surprise 80th birthday party. It's because the two of them, ultra-annoyingly, share an Apple ID and therefore, if you text one of them, both my mom and dad get it. (This is not relevant to the birthday party but let me make it known that also, if one of them texts you back, the text may or may not look like it comes from the person who actually texted it. So you get a text "from your dad" about vintage elbow length gloves or going out to the cute breakfast place for a chocolate croissant with Ruth and Phyllis and oh by the way, Marge from the library just had a hysterectomy. Anyway, eventually you realize the name on the top of the text is the wrong parent but it's a rough minut...