
Showing posts from January, 2024

January in NYC and I went outside

  So true! Look, in the dead of winter such as we are, I need to get myself all psyched up to go outside. That's the bottomline. I'm not out for a stroll any day of the week. (I'm also not writing in this blog apparently. But in my defense, I had a rotten case of Covid AND it was the holidays and the end of the year AND I wore myself out with the NaBloPoMo.) Back on track now. January. Going outside. The problem is, my step count plummets and my watch beeps at me alerting me about this travesty. YOUR STEP TREND is WAY OFF, SISTER. Then there's also the problem of me wishing to become a Flaneur when I grow up. To really qualify as a Flaneur, I feel one must have a lifetime of practice. So my personal strategy to get my ass up and out for a wintertime walk is to engineer a series of destinations forming roughly a circle and then set off with this checklist, an adequate scarf and a lot of fortitude. My first stop this past Saturday was at the NY Showplace Antiques on 25t...