Valets don't like stick shifts, I gather

When we dropped off the Subaru off at the airport parking lot, I heard the one valet mutter to the other valet, “Stick shift.” 

The vehicle remained in the drop off area the whole time we waited for our ride to the airport. I watched it, motionless in the same exact spot, from my seat in the shuttle as we drove away.

This reminded me of that one time at the Tabor Tavern on Route 10. They have valet parking. As I got out of the car, I said to the valet kid, “Do you know how to drive a stick?”

He smoothly replied, “I don’t, but the other guy does.”

I nodded.

Three hours later, I came out of the restaurant and handed the valet my ticket.

“Oh yes,” he says. “Your car is right here.” With a flourish, he points to the Subaru. It's about 8 feet from where I’d pulled it in. He hands me the keys and lets me take it from there. 
