Tom Makes Rainbow Jello for Wanda and Derek's Retro Night

Two seconds after we got the invitation to Wanda and Derek's Retro Night, Tom starts talking about making Rainbow Jello. I'm not sure what brought this on. Rainbow Jello became his very own white whale:

"Sometimes I think there's naught beyond Rainbow Jello. But 'tis enough. I see in him outrageous strength, with an inscrutable malice sinewing it."
-- Tom, talking about Rainbow "Moby Dick" Jello

First there was the quest for a bunt pan. Then a recipe. Early in the morning, Tom arises and takes a rolley cart down to the Westside Market. He returns:

A lot of Jello
There was Jello and empty packets and multiple timers beeping and some colors simmering and other colors in the refrigeration stage by the time I got up. It's exacting labor, this Rainbow Jello creation.

Jello cooling its heels in the fridge

The effort pays off! Look at this work of art!
The Artist with his Rainbow Jello

Thank you to Wanda and Derek for their inspiration
and paper towel support at the unveiling.
