Non-Memorabilia from the Pandemic

 Found these tucked away in a drawer yesterday:

Joyce theater tickets
Tickets to dance performances at
the Joyce Theater that we never saw

It would take seven to ten sad emojis to reflect the melancholy I felt when I ran across these little white envelopes and the unused tickets inside them. Shows canceled due to a raging pandemic.

I remember walking over the Joyce Theater box office and buying these tickets last January. Online ticket purchasing is all well and convenient for those who don't live a block and half from the theater. But for me, there's something infinitely earthly and corporeal about marching into an honest to god box office. 

In a physical box office, you get to talk to the earsplitting electric voice of a cashier behind a double plexiglass wall speaking into a shitty but super loud microphone. You get to review laminated seating charts and chat about relative pros and cons of various rows. You get to slide a credit card down a shoot and moments later, receive actual tickets. Not "print them at home" tickets, but the real deals.

A year later, what am I supposed to do with these tickets to these shows that we will never see? 

First, there was the Momix Alice in Wonderland which I was super looking forward to because I love pretty much anything that has to with Alice in Wonderland.  And then the Rennie Harris Funkadelic dancers: 

It would be weird to keep these tickets because we never saw the shows. Can something be memorabilia if you never saw the show? On the other hand, should I toss them? It kind of feels like tossing a tax return before the seven year mark.
