It was kinda fun even though I hated every minute of it in theory


Happy Hour with some hip cognoscenti.

For one of the first times since the pandemic, I went to a happy hour in the West Village. It was at one of those subterranean joints that is 900 decibels and shadowy, as the underground often is. 

I sat down next to a guy from Japan. I had been told he was "the one to talk to for insight into topics of interest." Topics of interest to whom I remained unclear on. It should be noted he had practically no spoken English. 

Look, I empathize. To not be a native speaker on top of too loud music and ambient screaming is really hard. I tried desperately to understand him and visa versa and I think we both mostly failed. 

We finished up our exchange that may or may not have been a conversation by standing up and executing an extended series of bows. We bowed at each other really fast multiple times. But not really bowing because who bows at a happy hour in the West Village? Also I really really don't know anything about bowing culture other than it's a big deal in Japan and you don't want to fuck it up. 

Anyway. I will be on the look out for more such events. I embrace awkward like I was born for the job.
