Cross Country Skiing at Garnet Hill - It was good.

We drove up to Garnet Hill Lodge Friday night and woke up to this view: 

View from our room at Garnet Hill Lodge

Of course I immediately connected the dots to Casper David Friedrich. I know, I'm quick like this:

Right?! Striking similarities except
i was not wearing a green velvet traveling suit.
Or standing upon a rock.

We used to go skiing *a lot.* Like every weekend. For years. So lately, at the beginning of every trip when it's been maybe a year since the last time I had skis on my feet... I have this moment where my head is, LETS DO IT! And my body is thinking, hmmm, it's been awhile.... maybe be sensible about this, old lady.

Thus, there's decisions that are surprisingly difficult:

hmmm, which way to go?

I remember being up at Garnet Hill with my brother and Tom years ago and going up and down Skull Buster. Up and down, over and over. Hooting and giggling and let me tell you why:

Until this trip, I woulda swore Skull Buster was called "Skull Crusher." It occurs to me now that maybe we all just made up our own name because Tom loves to say, "The Crusha" like that bugs bunny episode. 


Objectively, it is very compelling.

We'd cackle 'THE CRUSHA" the whole way down the hill and also whisper it quietly to all the unfortunate skiers piled up by this snow fence at the bottom. So rude and insensitive of us. But there is a hair pin turn right in the middle of the downhill and the name kinda speaks for itself. Even if it isn't technically THE CRUSHA.

I gotta say, this trip, the site of the ski center coming into view was welcome. The bad news about going down a long ways really fast is that you have to come up a long ways really slow. 

I was so happy to see the lodge.

but omg. look how far we had to go up!!
Last time we were at Garnet Hill, when we were young and all,
I don't remember being so blasted by the uphills.
