Pharmaceutical Instruction Manual for Sufferers of Colds and Flus of All Kinds
My latest head and chest cold problem started a week ago. Last Friday, one of the buddhists breathed right on my face. We were over at the Rubin for happy hour when all of a sudden I felt this robust puff of air hit my nostrils. I think that was the start of it. I've been using my time in quarantine to bone up on cold and cough pharmaceuticals. Here's my collection: Impressive, amiright?!! I'm going to take this opportunity to spell out some important take-aways. You are going to want to study this post very carefully so you don't make the same critical errors I made and wind up coughing yourself into a sleep deprived wraith of the night. I asked Tom if I kept him up and he just shrugged, but then I found all these ear plugs rolling around on our damp fever sweaty sheets. He's a trooper, that one. #1: Do not buy any combination remedy. That's my first tip. None of this Robitussin Cold and Flu or any of the other pharmaceutical grab bags. Y...