Every day is a school day in Chelsea

Tom and I zipped down the sidewalk in Chelsea. Coming the other way was a troupe of guys. As we crossed paths, the one guy said to another guy, “We’re going to that drag show tonight.”

Tom turned to me and said, “what is a tri show?”
I said, “He said, ‘A drag show.’ Not a tri show.”
“Oh,” said Tom. “I was thinking that I knew bi, but tri sounded new.”
I laughed. Because it was funny. Tri’s. That is not what the T stands for in LGBTQ. 

But my moments of feeling all in-the-know were short lived. We went to the Whitney Biennial, which is a whole other story, but the important part is that I had bought a $7 matcha latte right before we went in that I was not. going. to. throw. out. 

So Tom and I took a detour through the book shop in the lobby. There was a display of flags for sale. I see the Leather Flag, Demisexual flag, Aromatic flag, Non-binary Flag.

Wait, the Aromatic flag? Is this people who smell good or people who only are attracted to people who smell good? This is a thing? 

After a long moment of reflection, I realized the flag said “A-Romantic” not Aromatic. I mentioned this to Wanda and she said she’d seen a Fragrance Free meetup group, so it wouldn’t really be a huge stretch. 

Top row: Agender, Bi-gender, Lithsexual, Gay.
Bottom row: American, New York State, Rainbow Pride.
I am not entirely sure what a Lithsexual is either. I'll need to find someone to ask. There are certain things I really don't want to google. I learned my lesson when I was learning how to make almond milk and googled "nut bag."
