The alphabet at the art show. And the Georgian restaurant.

Friday night we walked over to the Rubin Museum to drink with the Buddhists but also because they had a Game of Thrones tour of the galleries. A few of the Buddhists came on the tour with us. The tour guide shuffled us all up to one of the mandalas on the fifth floor and started pointing at it while talking about Game of Thrones. She had an iPad full of photos from the show to corroborate her Tibetan art-related theories.

Some of them were a stretch.

One of the Buddhists leaned over and whispered, “Too many Game of Thrones references! Maybe a few would be ok, but this is over the top.” 
I whispered back, ‘this is a Game of Thrones tour.” 
“Oh," he said,” I didn’t know that.” 

Afterwards, we decided to check out the new Georgian restaurant on 14th street. The Georgian alphabet is printed, kind of big, on one of the walls in the restaurant. These letters look really spry to me, who cannot read them. They bounce across my eyeballs.

I wonder who it was that got to come up with the shapes of letters. Some monk somewhere probably. Western monks were clearly a lot lazier than like the Chinese. In the west they toiled over like 26 or 30 letters and then threw in the quill. 

All of this is probably why I really liked this big ass painting at the Art New York on Pier 94 that we saw Saturday. Here’s a photo from instagram. It's by a guy named Retna. It looks to me like a bunch of jumbled letters from an unknown medieval alphabet.

I stopped talking photos of art myself for the most part because why bother when you can just follow the artist on instagram if you like them. Except sometimes I can't find a good shot so maybe I'll go back to taking my own damn pictures.

I also really liked this guy's stuff nearby. Ole Aakjær from Denmark.

You might be noticing a theme here.
