So many things! NaBloPoMo 8
At the beginning, I was sort of keen on establishing habits. There’s apps for this, you know. Like if you want to do something every day, you log how successful you’ve been at so-called “habit stacking.” See, I know all the lingo.
Fast forward idk four years and I gotta set time aside for all my things. Cannot break my streaks! This is vital shit!
First, and probably most excruciatingly, we have the Duolingo Spanish. I’m on a 250 day streak so you can immediately see the catastrophic consequences of missing a day and blowing it.
After this I have to log in a whole string of things I like to keep track of, for example whether mold allergins were high because turns out, there’s no API and such tracking must be manual.
After that, I make a note or two in my journal because next year I like to check out what I was doing at this time last year.
And finally, I’m on an 1850 day streak logging my outfit so I can amortize my wardrobe.
Add to this daily firedrill NaBloPoMo because what’s one more to-do when you already have a list this long?
I am extremely busy with very important stuff is the bottom line here. I’m like the guy in Lost who had to press that Dharma button every twelve hours or who knows maybe the world will blow up or something.