Swedish Snaps! Meaning Aquavit except not always aquavit NaBloPoMo 29
Here's the deal - the Swedes are really into moonshine. They're all down in their basements the whole long winter tinkering around with their witches' brews -- which they will unleash on guests and I can tell you from personal experience. You must drink the concoction. It is super rude to refuse.
It's all very complicated the whole what-do-you-call the-moonshine. The most known example is Aquavit but Aquavit is moonshine flavored with caraway or dill as the "dominant flavor."
Then there is "brännvin." Best I can gather, if the spices are not caraway or dill, then it's not Aquavit, it's brännvin.
Which brings us to snaps. Not schnapps, that's a whole other conversation, we're talking snaps. I'm pretty sure snaps can either be Aquavit or Brännvin. It's any varietal along these lines with one distinguishing feature-- it is potent enough that it must be served in very small glasses.
This is my understanding.
Which may be hilarious to anyone who actually knows what they are talking about.
Of course, then we also have nubbar. Again, I should probably check my facts here before I go writing on the internet but, you know, who checks facts before they go writing on the internet these days?
So let me state with authority that may or may not be misplaced that nubbar are again, either Aquavit or Brännvin, either one in those, just in airplane bottles:
and parties!
I say all this to say that this week, Tom and I tinkered around in the basement and brewed up some Christmas Snaps!
We are having guests over on Saturday and they WILL drink it!