Thank you loyal readers! (No)NaBloPoMo Day 30
Success! 30 days of NaBloPoMo in the can. I would like to thank my entire fan base, which basically means Tom, Sean and Wanda, for their support throughout this journey. I also would like to thank the many readers who arrive at this blog by searching for "Is Cher an Indian?" I love these readers, who have no idea who I am or how they got here on their quest for answers. They don't stay long and leave confused, but I cherish their tiny digital footprints during their one and only visit. I especially love the reader named Julie Bless who became incredibly irritated with me for insinuating that: Cher may not be a true Native American considering it looks like she can barely ride a horse in the half breed video; and Cher may not be entirely trustworthy about her ancestry given that she also claimed she was a gypsy, tramp and/or thief and that turned out to be a lie. I leave you with Julie's comment, the longest and most heartfelt comment I ever received on this...