Welcome Bumpy - (No)NaBloPoMo Day 8

Tom impulse bought the new Shark robot vacuum cleaner on Amazon. It was the deal of the day - half price. He unboxed it and set it up immediately.

"How's the shark doing?" I asked when I got home.
"His name is Bumpy," said Tom.

Tom got the app and set it up so that Bumpy exits his dock at 6am and vacuums for an hour.

Wild beeping at 6:15AM:

Me, groggy: "Bumper is stuck on something. I think you have to get up and rescue him."
Tom: "His name is Bumpy."
"That's what I said," I said.
"No, you said Bumper. His name is Bumpy."

Bumpy is oddly charming with his little brush flippers and twirling gait. I can watch him bang into the walls for hours. But all the while, I fear for his safety. So much danger-- cords, ledges, ridges, socks. I breathe a sigh of relief when I hear him roll down the hall and find his dock, all by himself. He's such a smart little robot. So proud.

"I think if I added up all the time we've spent staring at Bumpy, we could have vacuumed this whole place like 9 times already," said Tom.

"Empty his chamber!" I cackled. "Let's see how much dust he picked up this time!"
