A Few Moments of Comedy at Dangerfields - NaBloPoMo Day 19

One guy totally forgot his set. Another dude had a red hat at the ready for his lengthy "Donald Trump On The Campaign Trail in 2016" impression. An ophthalmologist rattled off a series of retina-based puns. There was an excess of rhyming spoken word poetry that was possibly supposed to be accapella rapping.

I'd estimate 12-20 people took the stage. Three had potential. Another one dropped the mic, but it was an accident. Under no circumstances am I implying that we witnessed a mic drop.

I said the whole thing felt like a non-gentle anthropological probe that I needed far more whiskey to understand. Tom described it as "A talent show with a two drink minimum and really expensive drinks." If you put these facts together, your conclusion should be that two drinks was not sufficient but we were not going to belly up for more, given the outrageous price point. Thus the ensuing consternation.

Dangerfield Comedy Club Takeaways

  • Dangerfield Comedy Club does not have any sort of vetting process whatsoever.
  • "This crowd has gotten very old," said one of the comedians toward the ass-end of the pack. That was when I learned millennials are smarter than us.

    Everyone under the age of 30 had filtered themselves out the door by the seventh act.

    (We were there to support the host, and she was on until the bitter end. Plus I was mesmerized by the misplaced confidence on full-frontal display. Who are these people who think they're ready for a crowd after practicing in the bedroom mirror for a sadly insufficient length of time?)
  • Jokes about Heathcliff the Cat, especially when delivered in song, result in an audience shopping for boots on their phones under the table.
  • White people should under no circumstances use the n word. It's not funny or appropriate. Ever.
