Does the 5 second rule apply on the subway? - NaBloPoMo Day 9

This is probably my favorite photo burst. Or maybe favorite would be a little strong. Maybe I should say the photo burst that most memorably starts out all smiles but ends in a an ewwwwww face. These three photos were taken within seconds of each other.

First, we have Ellie watching how Uncle Tom rides the Subway and imitating everything he does. She had been sitting on one of the seats, but bustled right up to the pole with big eyeballs.

Ellie sees me watching her. She turns quickly.

...and drops her pacifier on the subway floor.

What is not pictured, because it happened so damn fast, is Ellie picking up the pacifier and sticking it back in her mouth. Hopefully the five-second rule applies.

This all went down back in 2010, which was a long time ago at this point.
