Thor in FiDi with Stacie and Andy - NaBloPoMo Day 12

On Friday, the temperature plummeted. And the movie theater was the whole way down by Battery Park, almost on the water. Meaning one cold-ass trek overland after we got out of the subway. During the frigid journey, I overcame potential frostbite with mittens, a scarf, my winter jacket and NSFW language.

Despite arctic conditions, it was pretty cool
to walk by One World Trade all lit up

I didn't bother to ask why Stacie and Andy wanted to see Thor all the way down in the hinterlands of Manhattan. It's not exactly like that sassy savage Chris Hemsworth cannot be found on the big screen in midtown.  I figured Stacie and Andy had a reason.

And sure enough, it was a good reason.

You should have seen these theater seats. Totally plush. They had buttons for varied reclining and a lot of square footage. Plus a tray with a cup holder. If this place ever needs a new business model, they could rent out for naps.

Plus the lobby of this joint looked like this:

Very fancy lobby in the theater which is
actually somehow connected to the Conrad Hotel.

I walked out feeling all first-world first-class, but then my reverie crumbled because I remembered the outdoor thermometer problem. It was not at all fancy to dash around a darkened frozen FiDi tundra. But, Andy with the save.

He knows how to get the whole way from the West Side Highway all the way to the subway stop indoors. I didn't even put my coat on it was so pleasant. We went through the Brookfield Mall and the Wintergarden and then into this passageway into the future:

....which put us into the Oculus, a powerful selfie-magnet, even at midnight. After a brief stop by a weird tubby looking contraption hawking some kind of glasses-related product I did not understand because clearly I'm not the right target market generation, we continued our journey.


In no time, we made it into the new Fulton Street Subway station. It would have been better if we'd all worn our sleekest white neoprene space outfits.
