Naked Streaker at the YMCA - NaBloMo Day 1

The naked lady slows a bit on maybe her forth or fifth pass by the sauna. Now she's looking fully exasperated.
I check the clock. Three more minutes. It's pretty late, almost closing time.
The door to the sauna flings open. It's the naked lady.
Her English isn't great, but I make out that she took a shower and somehow lost her locker key. Could I go up to the front desk and ask them if a member has found the key and turned it in; and if not, could someone come in with a lock cutter so she can get her stuff and get dressed and go home.
As it turns out, we're the only two people in the locker room, so I'm her last hope.
I go out to the front desk. I feel the steam coming off my Tshirt all the way down the corridor. Nobody turned in a key, so I ask the front desk woman if she can help out with a lock cutter.
"Nope," she says. "I don't think we have one." She goes back to poking at her phone.
"I'm pretty sure you do," I reply. This is not my first day at the rodeo.
"Well I don't know where it is," she answers, very very not at all interested.
"Here's the thing," I say, "There's a naked lady running around your locker room. And she's going to continue to be in your locker room, did I mention naked, until someone helps her with her lock."
The woman gives me a look that will fry an egg. She gets up, opens up a drawer and pulls out a lock cutter. I follow her into the locker room. I go back into the sauna. Three more minutes.
The door to the sauna flings open. It's the no longer naked lady.
She thanks me profusely. With the door half open. And then she thanks me again. All the hot air leaks out of the sauna. She leaves and so do I.
All in all, it was not a refreshing experience.