NaBloPoMo Day 10 : Groundhog Day

Today after a really nice morning in Annville, Tom and I arrived at our place in New Jersey and unloaded a carload of bootie. Mom and dad are moving and we are the beneficiaries of a lot of treasures unearthed during the basement excavation.

It was serious work carrying all the stuff upstairs, so we recovered by ordering Chinese and watching Groundhog Day on Amazon Prime.

Groundhog Day came out in 1993 when Bill Murray was 26 years younger than he is today. I think the last time I saw Ground Hog Day, I was possibly 23-26 years younger than I am today.

This most recent Groundhog Day viewing revealed a few nuances of the film which I do not recall from earlier. First of all, I completely missed the entire point of the movie.

  • Your glass is half full
  • Legit doing things for other people is the only path to redemption
  • Being self-aware is a plus
I'd say spoiler alert except this movie is on the darker side of drinking age.

I was just now in the kitchen and I noticed my morning matcha latte spoon and cup and I had a groundhog day moment. Tomorrow is going to be a lot like lots of other Mondays.

Therefore, I solemnly swear I shall, with Bill Murray as my hero, work hard to make it a good day. I shall do a few things for other people and attempt at least minor self-awareness.  

Hopefully this vow makes it past 9am. 
