NaBloPoMo Day 12 : Full Moon Candle Explodes

Maybe six months ago I was shopping at the online candle store and ran up against the shipping conundrum. Like if I ordered just a little more, the shipping price would be lower or free or something. Anyway, I impulse purchased a so-called Full Moon Candle.

Because who doesn't need a candle that shall only be burned when the moon is full? I need to "release whatever no longer serves me so I can go forth unbound," as they say in the fine print.

Previously, I have forgotten to break out the candle on several full moons including the momentous Wolf Moon over the summer which definitely constituted a major #fail.

But I remembered today! I lit the candle this morning, which may have been ill advised given that the morning is part of the DAY and the moon generally is associated with the NIGHT. Anyway, the candle exploded.

KaPow the whole side of the thing shot off and made a big noise. This is a solid shard of glass in flight we're talking about here.

Luckily there were no injuries and my fingers are blacksmith fingers so I just kinda picked up the burning shrapnel. Which really wasn't all that dramatic as far as burning things are concerned.

Here's the main difficulty -- I'm not sure what this whole incident really means relative to the full moon and the going forth unbound. I'll have to ponder this next month. I may need to place the candle in a pot however prior to the lighting.
