NaBloPoMo Day 19: Cat TV

Tom and I just finished watching Downton Abbey. All six seasons. We watched one show every single night. Except weekends and holidays. We needed to conclude our slow-mo binge before the movie went out of the theaters.

Well, we missed the movie. The day we finished watching the final episode of the final season, the very last theater that was still showing the Downton Abbey movie stopped showing it. Their timing, or our timing, was almost poetic. Now we have to wait until god knows when to see the film.

But that's not what I wanted to write this post about.

I was going to tell you that sometimes, after we'd watched our one episode, we weren't ready to quit the couch and go through to the other room. This will make semi-sense if you watched Downton Abbey. The Crawleys did a lot of quitting of rooms and going through to other rooms.

Anyway, I'd say to Tom, "what else is on?" And he'd flip through Amazon Prime. This is how we discovered Cat TV. It's TV. For your cat. And also for Tom and I apparently.

Cat TV is riveting and strangely addicting. It's feline mayhem.

Mostly Cat TV features a one-shot of a bird feeder. Birds come. Birds go. They peck around and then holy shit a squirrel flings itself aboard and pandemonium ensues until a Blue Jay or a Cardinal swoops in like a mofo and wins back the turf.

That's pretty much the whole plot.

You'll notice how I carefully inserted "Spoiler Alert" in all caps above? I didn't want to ruin Cat TV for you if you haven't had time to see it yet. Unlike my step mother-in-law who dropped the mother of all spoilers about Downton Abbey after learning we had just started watching it back in August.
