NaBloPoMo Day 11 : Corduroy Club

On 11|11, Corduroy Club members were encouraged to go to Macy's or some other similar outlet of corduroy. We were allotted Corduroy Club membership applications to put in the pockets of any corduroy items for sale.

11|11 is the day that looks the most like corduroy.
Today is the Corduroy Club High Holiday.

Sadly, Corduroy Club is defunct. Those holiday parties were some of the best nights I've had.

  • Impassioned speeches about The Year In Corduroy, including highs like the sofas in Obama's Oval Office being reupholstered in corduroy.
  • Plastic whales (wales) raining from the ceiling in a massive grand finale
  • Etc.

Should the festivities ever revive, I would need to go shopping. I gave away my corduroy shirt. How could I achieve a maximum corduroy ensemble without a corduroy shirt? Not easily is the only answer. And maximum corduroy ensembles were the only way to roll on the high holiday.
