NaBloPoMo Day 9: FOOA Annual Dinner

First of all, how many German professors can you fit in a Friends of Old Annville (FOOA) Annual Dinner? Turns out more than you'd expect. I ran into two during the mingle portion of the evening and then the featured speaker said he was a German professor. I know, it's really remarkable.

The Annual Dinner was held in the American Legion up the street from where I grew up. Tom said something about how the ventilation system was so powerful the floor shook.

I said I was 100% sure I knew why there was a stadium sized ventilation system in a party room. May I draw your attention to the mail slot in the front door:

Same mail slot was there 40 years ago. Nothing much has changed since then except they've removed the red shag carpet. 

I'm familiar with these historical facts because you see I spied on the veterans. With some regularity. We'd creep up the front steps of the Legion and open up the mail slot. Slowly. It's metal and clangs. Also because a billow of smoke would make your eyes tear up. When I say a billow of smoke, I mean it was like getting clubbed in the face with giant ball of nicotine.

We'd peer through the yellow haze and try to get a bead on the veterans. Usually it was too dark to see much.

There wasn't much to do in my home town.
