More with the Brawling Babies - NaBloPoMo 15

Yeah so what is it with gilded age robber barons and their fixation on mantlepieces featuring babies beating the shit out of each other? 

We saw this baby street fight in one of the mansions up in Newport a couple weeks ago:

A Fresco of babies beating the shit out of each other

It's for sure a theme because I saw a similar baby-at-arms mantle motif in the Morgan Library. I don't know why but the whole thing reminded me of a cartoon Bruce sent me a few days ago:

A cartoon Bruce sent me

I man, you can see where I'm coming from: robber barons are crappy employers after all. The babies could for sure represent unrest and poor leadership and those stone masons really must have laughed their asses off for days. I'm thinking it's some pretty glorious stone mason revenge porn when you can stick it to the big boss with a fuck you "company where I work" mantle piece right in the Vanderbilt living room.

My second theory is that the babies depict, in eerie foreshadowing, the third gilded age generation. The generation when all these trust fund babies ran through all their rich grandaddy's money and presumably may have come to fisticuffs with each other, at least metaphorically.
