My Plants... Except here's some knife wielding photos NaBloPoMo 29

 On this penultimate NaBloPoMo - I have nearly succeeded in posting a post a day for one full month on this National Blog Post Month, yeah, my inspiration is waning. So I was planning on just posting this picture of some of my money plants: 

Some of my money plants

At one point I had probably 20 gorgeous money plants. The deal is that the money plants have baby money plants and then I feel bad about squashing them so I wind up with a Dugger family of money plants. 

It was just too damn many money plants so I gave a bunch away. I felt very charitable when I did so since my mother saw money plants not half this nice for sale at Giant for $9 each. 

Right?! Just another reason why my house is actually a farm.

Anyway, this was going to be the entire post, but then, when I was looking for a great picture of the money plants, I ran across this photo in the photo library:

Tom with a knife and his brother.

It is a photo of Tom wielding a knife. Shirtless. With his brother in a bed also wielding a blade of some sort. I don't know what to make of it, but it's clearly more blog worthy than the damn plants so here we are.
